how to Sleep When you are Pregnant

The do’s and don’ts list of pregnancy might be a little daunting, with advice ranging from avoiding particular meals to refraining from playing your favourite contact sports.Also, as your belly expands week by week, you may start to worry about your sleeping pattern. Learn here how to sleep when you are pregnant ?

Here are some tips to assist you in sorting through the myths and realities surrounding sleeping positions during pregnancy and how your sleeping habits affect your health and your unborn child.

What side to sleep on when pregnant

Doctors generally advise sleeping on your side when pregnant, especially as the pregnancy progresses. How come, strictly? The critical factor is blood flow. There is a higher likelihood of blood supply to the uterus being compressed as the fetes grows. When a patient is lying down for a c-section, also known as caesarean delivery, or when they are in labour and have irregular cardiac rhythms, doctors still tilt the patient. Although hazards are associated with sleeping on your back, a 2019 assessment of medical studies found that whether you sleep on your right or left side doesn’t seem to affect you. These studies do, however, have certain shortcomings. It’s exceedingly rare to lose a pregnancy in the third trimester. There aren’t many examples. Thus it isn’t easy to draw any firm conclusions.

Only a few studies on this subject are readily available right now. Up to 30 weeks of pregnancy, further research is required to determine whether or not there is a correlation between sleeping positions and stillbirths.

Sleeping on Left Side during Pregnancy

Sleeping on your left side is frequently referred to as the “optimal” position during pregnancy. Positioning oneself on the left side of the body enables the inferior vena cava to flow blood most efficiently (IVCInferior vena cava). The right side of your body has a big vein that runs parallel to your spine and supplies blood to your heart and your baby. Sleeping on the left side relieves tension of liver and kidney. This provides greater space to move around comfortably and alleviates swelling problems in your hands, ankles, and feet.

Sleeping on Right Side during Pregnancy

Should you stay away from the right side of the left side is ideal? Possibly not.
The 2019 study found that sleeping on either the left or right side is equally safe. If you sleep on your right, there is a tiny possibility that the IVC will experience compression problems, but ultimately it comes down to where you feel most comfortable.

Also Read – 10 Healthy Foods to Eat while You are Pregnant

Sleeping position during pregnancy first 3 month

Here are some ideas to make side sleeping more natural, or at least comfortable.

First Trimester Sleep

During the first trimester, you may still be able to sleep on your stomach or back, but as your pregnancy progresses, you may need to start sleeping on your side. Use pillows to support your belly and back, and try sleeping with a body pillow for added comfort.

Second Trimester Sleep

Your mattress should be moderately firm, so your back doesn’t slump as your tummy expands. If your mattress is too soft, you can put a board between your mattress and the box spring. Consider researching pregnancy pillows as well. They have a U or C shape to assist with side sleeping and wrap around your complete body.

The cushion is placed so that it flows down your back, hugs at the front, and slips in between your legs.

Third Trimester Sleep

During the third trimester of pregnancy, many women experience changes in their sleep patterns. As your baby grows and your uterus expands, you may have difficulty finding a comfortable position to sleep in.

In addition, you may have to wake up more frequently to use the bathroom, and you may experience increased heartburn, leg cramps, and other discomforts.

You should continue to sleep on your side, with a pillow between your legs and another pillow supporting your belly.

Avoid sleeping on your back, as this can put pressure on your baby and restrict blood flow.Top of Form

Can you Sleep on your Stomach when Pregnant

Do you have any questions about sleeping on your stomach while pregnant ? Yes, you can, at least temporarily. Up until week 16 to 18, you can sleep on your stomach without issues while pregnant. As your pregnancy progresses, your belly will grow, making it difficult to lie on your stomach comfortably. In addition, sleeping on your stomach can put pressure on your baby and restrict blood flow, which can be harmful to both you and your baby.

However, aside from comfort, there isn’t anything to be concerned about if you end up on your stomach. Your baby is shielded from being crushed by the uterine walls and amniotic fluid. A stomach sleeping pillow could help improve the comfort of this position.

Can I Sleep on Back while Pregnant

In the first trimester, lying on your back is typically safe. Should you be concerned if you wake up in the middle of the night lying on your back? Most likely not, but it wouldn’t hurt to try a different position. If you consistently sleep soundly (congrats!) and frequently find yourself on your back, think about putting a wedge pillow behind you. This will ensure that when you try to roll onto your back, you stop at an angle where blood can still flow and nourish your unborn child.

If you find it difficult to sleep on your side, try using pillows to support your belly and back, and try sleeping with a body pillow for added comfort. You can also try sleeping in a reclined position, with your upper body propped up on pillows, to relieve pressure on your back. Talk to your healthcare provider for additional tips and advice on sleeping during pregnancy.

Before your child’s birth, get as much sleep as possible. And if you have any more queries about the optimum position, speak with your doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many hours a pregnant woman should sleep?

Ans. – Being pregnant makes getting enough sleep even more important! What is the recommended amount of sleep for a pregnant woman? Eight to ten hours a night are generally advised by doctors.

2. Does lack of sleep affect baby in womb?

Ans. – The quantity of sleep you get while pregnant may impact your labour and delivery in addition to you and the baby. Preeclampsia is one issue that has been linked to insomnia during pregnancy (a serious condition that affects your blood pressure and kidneys)

3. When during pregnancy is most tired?

Ans. – While experiences with fatigue can vary, most pregnant women report feeling more exhausted than usual. The first trimester of pregnancy is when fatigue is most prevalent. The second trimester usually disappears, but the third trimester is when it usually returns.

4. Why is first trimester so hard?

Ans. – You may experience fatigue due to hormonal changes, particularly those involving the hormone progesterone. In the first trimester, this hormone increases significantly.

5. Do and don’ts in 1st month of pregnancy?

Ans. – The do’s and don’ts of the first trimester of pregnancy are getting prenatal care, maintaining your health, rest, and mental well-being, and refraining from using tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs. You should also avoid eating risky foods and engaging in risky behaviours.